This is the community for Machine learning (ML) / Artificial Intelligence (AI) practitioners, developers and nanofabrication in Western Australia and beyond.
Founded in late 2016, we cover practical applications across the whole field of ML but have a strong focus on deep learning, generative techniques and soon AI Hardware.
Perth Machine Learning Group is dominantly a coding group, oriented towards helping members understand, code and implement practical machine learning solutions. Our regular talks, events and projects, cover topical AI developments. We also provide support for sponsoring companies to build organizational capability and increase the level of engagement in training.
Members are diverse, coming from across industry, academia, government and the startup community.
Meetings have a high level of community engagement. Our training is is loosely wrapped around the FAST.AI online curriculum and MOOC which we support and recommend, but we further encourage our members to learn widely and then share their learning with the group through short presentations, as this significantly reinforces the learning experience.
If you would like to get involved and learn about the field please come to our meet-ups / events or just hang out in the Slack and Discord forums.